วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

To understand how to take care of the skin Well

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Caring for your skin is something that everyone should start at a young age. Unfortunately, many do not know and neglect. The common reason is that some do not know just how you see it or not, the importance of doing so. Skin care is not just washing with soap and water. E 'also for the treatment of skin from the inside and outside. As such, it is necessary to understand how to care for the skin care and to achieveYour desired look.

With advancing age, moisture and vitamins, which reduces the layers of the skin, which makes wrinkles. The skin loses its elasticity with age. But the fact of the matter is that it is too late to improve our skin and how it appears today. This can be removed by washing the skin, eat right on a daily basis and through the right foods and drink plenty of water carried.

When cleaning your skin you should always mild with a soapCleanse the skin gently. You should not use a cloth or brush on the skin than is actually the upper layers of the skin tear. Instead, use the tips of fingers in a circular motion with regular soap and water. You remove layers of dead skin and produce a clean and natural look. This is the proper way to clean the skin, regardless of whether the dry skin, oily, or if you're young or old.

Keeping skin, it is important to drinkto grow a lot of water to the skin cells and regenerate. Our body needs large amounts of water every day at work. If you experience dryness of the skin, chances are that it is through the body of experience dehydration. In this case, you must drink 32 ounces at least eight glasses of water a day. If you do, you will notice that your skin looks fresh and clear.

The type of food that can affect your skin, like eatingwell. There are many types of food we eat every day that our bodies can accumulate. However, the problem is that many times, the average person in the busy life of today in which they live and the abandonment of combining work with their personal health is required. As such, it is important that you eat the right foods and get the rest that is needed to improve body functions.

Some types of healthy foods you should eat the barley, green leafy vegetables, garlic andOnions, beans and lentils, Brussels sprouts, peppers, yogurt, nuts and seeds. All provide vitamins and nutrients that the needs of the human body. They help your skin maintain a youthful appearance and helps the digestive system is functioning well. It will also be antioxidants in your body and improve the cardiovascular system and the immune response. Increasing your intake of these foods, which are a different, not only in your skin, but also in many other areasYour body. To understand how to take care of the skin can also go to your skin you want.

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